Teaching Staff
Reception Class
Mrs Stocker-Smith is the E.Y.F.S. Lead and Kids Club Manager.
Class 1
Miss Barker leads P.S.H.E (Mondays & Tuesdays).
Mrs Leese is the curriculum leader for Music and R.E. (Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays).
Class 2
Mrs Priestwood is the Vice-Principal and leads English, Assessment and Health & Safety.
Class 3
Mrs Tariq leads Inclusion and Safeguarding.
Class 4
Mrs Campbell leads Mathematics, Design & Technology plus Art.
Class 5
Mr Speight leads P.E., Geography and Computing.
Class 6
Mrs Crosland leads Science, History & M.F.L.
Mr Hoggarth covers teaching during PPA time and Leadership and Management release time.