Code of Conduct
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to set out the standards of conduct expected of both the staff at Wainstalls School and all parents, carers and other individuals in their interactions with the school and its employees. It is expected that all employees of the school act in a professional manner and that their conduct and behaviour reflect the values of the school and serve as role models for our young people.
We expect parents, carers and other individuals to:
- Respect the school values and our inclusive, caring and nurturing environment.
- Understand that both teachers and parents need to work together with enthusiasm, confidence and mutual respect for the benefit of their children.
- Demonstrate that all members of the school community should be treated with courtesy and respect and therefore set a good example in their own speech and behaviour.
- Seek to clarify a child’s version of events with the school’s view in order to bring about a peaceful solution to any issue.
- Correct their own child’s behaviour especially in public where it could otherwise lead to conflict, aggressive behaviour or unsafe behaviour.
- Approach the school to help resolve any issues of concern.
While situations can be stressful and emotionally charged, it is our duty as Wainstalls School staff to always respond in a professional manner. We will listen with patience and consideration and take all concerns seriously whether they come from students, parents/carers or others outside of the school community. While we may disagree and our response may not be the one desired, it will always be communicated respectfully.
In order to support a peaceful and safe school environment, the school will not tolerate parents, carers and visitors exhibiting the following:
- Disruptive behaviour which interferes or threatens to interfere with the operation of a classroom, an employee’s office, office area or any other area of the school grounds including team matches.
- Using loud or offensive language, swearing, cursing, using profane language or behaving in an aggressive manner.
- Threatening to commit actual bodily harm to a member of school staff, Governor, visitor, fellow parent/carer or student, regardless of whether or not the behaviour constitutes a criminal offence.
- Damaging or destroying school property.
- Abusive or threatening e-mails or text/voicemail/phone messages or other written communication
- Defamatory, offensive or derogatory comments regarding the school or any of the students/parent/staff at the school via email, Facebook or other social media sites.
- The use of physical aggression towards another adult or child.
- Approaching someone else’s child in order to discuss or chastise them because of the actions of this child towards their own child. (such an approach to a child may be seen to be an assault on that child and may have legal consequences).
- Smoking and consumption of alcohol or other drugs whilst on school property.
- Dogs being brought on to school premises.
- Inappropriate use of social network sites, which are being used increasingly to fuel campaigns and complaints against schools, Principals/Headteachers, school staff, and in some cases other parents/students. The Governors consider the use of social media websites being used in this way as unacceptable and not in the best interests of the children or the whole school community.
Any concerns you may have must be made through the appropriate channels by speaking to the class teacher, the Principal or the Chair of Governors, so they can be dealt with fairly, appropriately and effectively for all concerned.
We would expect that parents/carers would make all persons responsible for collecting children aware of this policy.
“Together We can!”